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How to organize an Energetic & Successful Team with office Associates

Each member of team should realize that there is no sole dependence on a particular individual. Every participant is important and should work together towards achieving the final goal.

Identify the group problems and implement the solutions for them:

According to version of an eminent social psychologist, Kurt Lewin (1940),” Group dynamics refer to the roles and behaviors of people take on when they work in a group and how those factors affect the team as a whole.” It has been observed that success can be achieved when the members of the team uphold and support with good morale and positive attitude to promote productivity.

Some of the members become aggressive and disagree with others. They tend to deteriorate communication and decrease creativity. They may try to seek acknowledgement for themselves even on their critical and negative role. On the other hand, certain members playing contrary role by  remaining quiet and passive with least contribution.

Such opposing thoughts and actions of certain members raises a team with poor group dynamics. This definitely indicates lack of proper communication, creativity, innovation leading to failure. Therefore, rethinking of group becomes necessary.

How group dynamics can help you?

The members of the team will develop reliance and confidence in each other to support the idea of working together. Such good  group dynamicscan reap heavy dividends. This leads to improved productivity, greater innovation, brotherhood and better coordination among  all the employees.

The team members become optimistic and start looking forward to the delightful and trustworthy meetings but improving group dynamics requires effort and understanding from all the team members.

6 Tips to promote Collective team Dynamics:

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Certain tips are being suggested to develop better links among the members of the team and to promote positive group dynamics for achieving the success .

Observe the different Skills of your team Members:

Various members of the team may be highly qualified with remarkable skills yet their style and personality is very different from each other which may highly influence the group dynamics. For example, some members may be very good orators and they can be used for public speaking and motivating other members.

Realize the role of Team Member and Meeting:

The meeting may be at regular intervals but it should not be sleeping time/leisure time for the members. The in charge should pre-decide the purpose of meeting and the role of members to be present during meeting.

For instance,if the details of agenda and purpose of meeting are provided to each member beforehand and comments are taken from all team members after giving sufficient time, active participation from each  member can be ensured.

Distribute work as per interest

Firstly, try to understand the qualities and talent of all the team members. If the members are motivated and interested in doing their designated work with devotion, this will definitely bring improvement.

Encourage Diversity:

The different members with different backgrounds can bring diverse and novel concepts within the team. This will bring new conscience, vitality and advancement in the interpersonal skills within the team members.

Implement Techniques to Improve Group Dynamics:

Try to perform as many exercises you can as per the guidelines of experts. They can help to build confidence in the team and promote interpersonal relationships. Incite and activate the experienced members of the team to help juniors and also welcome  the new members into the group with full enthusiasm.

Adopt Skills to resolve the crucial problems quickly:

Try to understand the causes of resistance and opposition within the group so that  problems don’t pop up again. Resolve the problems before they worsen. Deal with the problems before they interfere with the progress you have achieved.

Contribute your emotional intelligence and sublimation to promote trustworthy communication with the members. Your ability to grasp the feelings of your coworkers will definitely bring the desired success.

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