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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Now, you will not find Coke and Pepsi in Tamil Nadu shops!

Numerous commercial outlets in Tamil Nadu have boycotted Pepsi and Coca Cola products since Wednesday morning. This step is taken to support and encourage local cola manufacturers. The decision is going to cause these two soft drink giants a huge loss of about Rs 1,400 crore.

The reports

The Tamil Nadu Vanigar Sangangalin Peramaippu (TNVSP), being the largest trade body in Tamil Nadu, comprising of 6,000 business enterprises and 1.5 million members, has told media that the boycott will be applied to all the retail outlets which are affiliated to it. Although a little more time is given to bigger supermarkets and restaurants, which are about 5,000 in number.

The initial response

The initial response is very encouraging and only a little more time is needed to work out the boycott plan. AM Vikrama Raja, president of the traders’ body, has told the media that the shops and markets will soon provide date to them for boycotting the drinks from their outlet.

He is happy that the shopkeepers are resisting the tempting offers and 70% members haven’t ordered any fresh stocks. Many shops already display ‘No Pepsi, No Coke’ posters prominently.

The boycott call received a mixed response in the cities too, though TNVSP secretary K Mohan insisted that “at least 75% of shopkeepers across the state have stopped selling Coke and Pepsi – and the others are expected to follow suit”.

Boycott decision was first mooted during the massive protests

The boycott decision was first mooted during the massive protests that rocked the state last month, forcing politicians to legalise the popular bull-taming sport of Jallikattu. Still, several shop owners in various parts of Chennai, who are yet to extend their support to the boycott.

Reason behind the decision

The decision was actually taken to wean the youth away from MNC soft drinks, which are harming and killing the domestic companies.

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These firms are also using up  the scarce water resources. Indian soft drinks brands are actually cheaper and healthier as compared to other brands and the boycott will also encourage the youth to have “nutritious” fruit and vegetable juices

Claims of TNVSP

As per the TNVSP claims, PepsiCo and Coca Cola are killing over hundred local brands like Bovonto, Trio, Solo, Frutang, Torino, Dailee and Mapillai.

These local brands constitutes a mere of 20% of the re 2,000 crore soft drink market. The IBA, which represents the cola major has said in a press that they were disappointed by the boycott call.


These MNC’s are taking away the benefits from the local enterprises and even the employments from the labors. If these brands get boycotted, then the local brands will get encouragement and the people will drink something healthy.

This is an appreciable step, taken by the TNVSP. Also, this will support ‘Make in India’ movement launched by Govt of India. We’re waiting for the day, when the whole country will ban such products and follow the ‘Make in India’ movement.

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