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Government Schemes for Education by Government of India

Education System in India : India is a prominent democratic nation with a population of about 130 million. The country has rich demographic dividend with about 30% youth; comprising doctors, engineers etc. that are imparting their services in different nations. The education system in India has changed its face as per needs and demands.

The journey from blackboards to smart boards was not that easy. Prominent institutes like IITRs and IIMs have expanded their boundaries in other states of country for a larger turnout of talent in India. The standard of education is improving in India as a large number of students are able to secure distinctions with more than 90% marks even in higher classes. Nevertheless, the government is trying to motivate the students with better facilities.

However the students in certain government institutions are not showing the desired percentage of marks due to shortage of teaching staff, classrooms, seating arrangements, literature etc. More so, certain schools are still facing problems with meeting basic hygienic conditions due to lack of toilets, plantation and proper drinking water.

Every state government has been trying to improve upon the situations and guidelines of education since independence. But the expected rate of literacy has not been achieved in certain states even when the governments are providing facilities for admissions, education, books, uniforms, mid-day meals etc. The major problems towards low rate of literacy lie with poverty, lack of awareness and expected progress at rural level.

General masses expect many more facilities, still the efforts from their side is elusive.  The government of India implemented many innovative changes to improve upon the style and standard of teaching and training. The new techniques have been readily accepted by youth. The face of education in India has been modified with coordination of both State and Central government following the elimination of detention policy.

  1. Many state governments have taken the nice step of sending certain teachers to foreign educational institutes to imbibe updated knowledge and skill to improve upon the quality of teaching.
  2. The government of Telangana has taken the prominent step to implement a scheme of free education for girls up to graduation level. More so, a bilingual textbook was introduced, for engineering colleges affiliated to JNTU (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad).
  3. The judgment issued through Delhi High Court resolves that the ‘certificate’ issued by the university administration shall prove to be legal till the issue of appropriate ‘degree’. Further and forward admission to the specified student cannot be denied by any university.
  4. The regular practice in Yoga classes will be compulsory for all students of CBSE and ICSE courses.

The central government has also given instructions to all the state governments to implement Education schemes in india.

Government Schemes for Education

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan :

An inclusive scheme for imparting education to all

The Government of India has launched many projects to promote the schemes of teaching and devices of training throughout nation since the year 2000. All the state governments are being provided proper guidelines and financial assistance. New educational institutions are being established with the construction of school buildings, supplementary classrooms and laboratories play grounds, safe drinking water, toilets etc.

Employment of regular and well qualified teaching and official staff is very essential and is being taken care of. The students are being given assistance of free textbooks, uniforms, sports’ equipments and support for improving learning under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Scheme.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Portal : http://www.ssa.nic.in/

Andhra Pradesh : http://ssa.ap.gov.in/SSA/

Chandigarh : http://ssachd.nic.in/

Mid-Day Meal Scheme

Mid Day Meal Scheme in India was launched on 15th August 1995. All the students at government and aided schools are served with prominent, healthy and tasteful food during their stay at school. The diet is given with specified menu for about 200 days per annum, having about 300 calories, supplemented with nutritious variety of food (supported with sufficient proteins, minerals and vitamins). The objectives of Mid-Day Meal Scheme is to motivates poor students to acquire admissions and progress with health improvement with higher retention. This scheme comes under the Ministry of HRD Government of India.

Mid-Day Meal Scheme Website : http://mdm.nic.in/

Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) :

Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) Programme has been projected by Government of India since March, 2009, to improve upon the accessibility and quality of secondary education. This plan has raised the rate of enrollment from 52% during 2005-2006 to about 75%. The implementation of this scheme targets discarding barrier of gender, caste and creed, socio-economic and disability fence and also gives universal reach to secondary level education by the present year of 2017.

Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan Official Website : http://rmsaindia.gov.in/en/

National Scheme of Incentives to Girls for Secondary Education

The central government of India has taken an extraordinary decision to enhance the enrollment of young girls (in the age group of 14 to 18 years) at secondary stage. This centrally sponsored scheme projected w.e.f. May, 2008, provides encouragement to girls to progress for secondary education and beyond.

National Scheme of Incentives to Girls for Secondary Education Website : http://mhrd.gov.in/incentives

Saakshar Bharat Mission

Saakshar Bharat is a Program was designed and implemented in the year 2009 with an important motif of raising the national literacy level to 80 percent.

Higher concentration was laid on educating adult women so that the gap between rate of literacy for females and males should not be more than 10 percent under the objectives of Saakshar Bharat Mission this is nice approach in context to 2017. More so, another aspect of scheme involved the overall promotion of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic (3’ R).

Saakshar Bharat Mission Prerak salary is as per the norms of the Government.

Saakshar Bharat Mission Official Website : http://www.saksharbharat.in/index.php

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