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The ICWA Essay Contest 2017 : Last Date and Eligibility Criteria

ICWA Essay Contest 2017 is a lower as well as higher standard essay contest which is based on ‘Awareness Programme on Indian Foreign Policy’. Indian council of world affair (ICWA) began the contest in the previous year. This is the second year of the essay writing contest. The last date for submission for the ICWA Essay Contest 2017 is 30th July 2017.

The students present in a school in the age group 15-18 years are qualified to take part in the junior standard group and the students present in post graduate/under graduate standards in an esteemed college or university in the country in the age group of 18-25 years are qualified to take part in the senior standard group.

The Dates of ICWA Essay contest 2017

contest, essay, essay writing

Program                                                                                                            Dates

ICWA Essay presentment begins                                                                24th May 2017

Last date of presentment of ICWA Essay                                                  30th July 2017

ICWA Essay outcome                                                                                     to be announced

In ICWA contest 2017, the subject and restriction of words of the essay needs to be as given below-

Subject of the Essay inditing contest                  Group                                Restriction of words

i) What is our country’s foreign strategy’s             lower standard                                          1500

meaning to the youth of our country/our

 country’s foreign strategy’s importance

 for the young generation

ii) Contention, sect, and foreign strategy              higher standard                                           2500

Young writers of our country have a chance of showing their new style of thinking on the subjects shown earlier and prepare an essay. It should be sent by e-mail and the last date for which is 30th July 2017. The top three essays in lower as well as higher standards will be eligible for the cash prizes.

The Qualification Yardstick for the ICWA Essay contest

Gender                                                                            All

Area                                                                                     Pan India

Category / Age                                                                15-18 and 18-25 years old pupils

Details                                                                             Citizenship: Indian nationality for both the Categories.

Academic eligibility: The pupils sending these in the lower group should be from any esteemed school and the pupils in the higher standard should be from a UG / PG course of an esteemed college/University of our country.

Language: English or Hindi

The ICWA Essay Contest Prizes:

The top essays sent in the higher and lower standards will be given awards as given below:

Awards                                     Lower group amount                                 Higher group amount

1st Prize                                             Rs.15000                                                            Rs.25000

2nd Prize                                           Rs.10000                                                            Rs.15000

3rd Prize                                            Rs.5000                                                              Rs.10000

Application Form and Procedures for the contest: The pupils willing to take part in this contest may send their writings via online mode. The last date of submission is 30th July 2017. To send them online, the participants should follow the instructions given as under:

Instructions for sending the essays online

a) The partakers should submit individual information while sending it, separately.

b) The partakers should send a different cover page which should have the individual’s information of his own. The partakers should provide the following individual’s knowledge on the cover page:

i) Name

ii) Father’s name

iii) Mother’s name

iv) Class

v) Program

vi) Name and address of the school or University

vii) Address of the residence

viii) Landline and Mobile number

ix) Email address

c) Stamp of the school/college/Institute/University: Prior to sending, the partaker should submit a certificate from the school/college/institute/University authorities that he/she is studying at present.

Sending of the ICWA Essay: The pupils who are eligible should submit it (online mode) via email to essayicwa@gmail.com before 30th July 2017. There is no need to send any hard copy.

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