Every year, massive deforestation happens in India owing to large-scale felling of trees in an unplanned manner. Corruption at local-government bodies and by officials allows wood-based industries to freely exploit timber without any regulatory oversight.
This is supposed to change soon in Haryana as the state government has decided to go the digital way in order to ensure compliance and transparency in the process of allotting licenses for industries driven by timber.
The government of Haryana has established a set of new rules that would be applicable to those seeking to establish wood-based industries (WBIs) and businesses. Henceforth, applications for new licenses for starting WBIs will have to be submitted online.
These applications can be submitted using the website of the Haryana Forest Department (www.haryanaforest.gov.in). The last date for submitting these applications is 9th July, 2017
The government has identified 6 categories under which licenses can be issues to new wood-based industries. There are: (1) Saw mill, (2) Veneer mill, (3) Plywood unit, (4) Stand-alone chipper, (5) Stand-alone slicer, and (6) Stand-alone Press.
Further details about the new rules and the application process can be found on the following link: http://haryanaforest.gov.in/writereaddata/TenderUplodingFiles/_32334.PDF
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