1. Education:
Educate others about understand the importance & value of our Natural Resources.
2. Cycling More; Drive Less
3. Volunteering:
Join Cleanliness Campaigns to keep our Society Nature Friendly.
4. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle:
Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the principle of 3 “ R’s” to conserve Natural Resources and Landfill space.
5. Conserve Water:
Join the Save Water Campaign to Safe guard the interest of our Future Generations.
6. Shop Wisely:
Buy less Plastic & bring a Reusable/Recyclable Shopping Bag.
Also Read: Say No to Your Temptation: These foods really can Kill you !
7. Don’t Send Chemicals into our Water Ways:
Choose nontoxic chemicals for the Home, Crop fields & Office.
8. Long-Lasting Light bulbs are a Bright Idea:
Use Energy Efficient Light bulbs to reduce Greenhouse gas emissions. Also flip the light switch off when
you Leave the Room!
9. Plant a Tree:
Trees Provide Food & Oxygen to all. They help save Energy, Clean the Air, and help combat climate changes.