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Credit and Debit Card Frauds Prevention and Where to File Complaint

Since the government’s demonetization move last year, there has been a steady rise in digital payments in India. Paying electronically is convenient, easy, and also helps curb the spread of black money. With increasing number of people using credit cards and debit cards for payments, there has also been a rise in fraudsters looking to cheat people and steal their money.

Take the example of recent scam: People have started getting calls where someone offers to help them link their Aadhaar with the PAN card since the government has made it mandatory. The people making these calls are fraudsters pretending to be IT officials or bank employees. While on the call, they will ask you for all your details such as account number, PIN, Aadhar number, PAN number etc. Subsequently, they ask you to provide the one-time password (OTP) that has been sent to your phone number. Once you do that, these people use the information you’ve given for logging in to your net banking account and steal all your money.

Similarly, there is news almost every day of people’s credit cards/debit cards data being stolen and money being withdrawn from their accounts. With such cases on the rise, people are bound to get paranoid.

However, digital transactions are still the safest way of using the money. Unlike cash, there is no fear of losing or misplacing your money. Moreover, with digital transactions, you can keep a tab on who you’re paying (since the money goes to their account) and no one can steal your money unless you make a mistake.

ATM theft, credit cards fraud, precautions to online fraud, ATM, debit card theft

These mistakes arise from lax behavior when using debit or credit cards. A lot of people aren’t quite acquainted with some common internet scams and hence fall prey to them. In this article, we will examine some common online scams list that involve credit cards/debit cards and tell you how you can protect yourself.

Some Credit Cards/ Debit Cards Frauds and Prevention

A. Debit card Fraud through ATMs

There are many common debit card frauds which could be done using the ATM. People often tend to forget than an ATM is a public place and a lot of shady fraudsters have access to these machines.

Card skimming : The most common ATM fraud is called skimming. In this scam, fraudsters attach a small card reader to the ATM slot where you insert your card. This card reader then downloads all your information and stores it. Simultaneously, near the machine keypad, a small camera is attached to tracks your finger movements. Due to this, when you enter your PIN, the fraudsters also get to see it.

Thus, by secretly recording your card information and your PIN, these fraudsters now have access to your account and can easily withdraw money from it.

ATM theft, credit cards fraud, precautions to online fraud, ATM

Shoulder spying : Often, at the ATM, you’ll see people standing around or offering help to other people. Technically, only one person is allowed near the ATM machine at a time. However, these people will be sweet talkers who will pretend that they’re helping.

What these people do is peek over your shoulder when you’re using the ATM. That way, they can see your fingers when you enter the PIN number. Simultaneously, these frauds attach a card reader to the machine (like in skimming) which records your debit card number and other details. Now, they have access to all your card information and your PIN thus making your account vulnerable.

These two typical frauds constitute over 80% of the scams committed using ATM machines. Thankfully, just following some simple precautions can help you avoid these easily

ATM Safety Tips

  • Ensure that you check the card slot of the ATM before inserting your credit card. If you find a machine or a device attached to the card slot, stop immediately and inform the ATM security guard.
  • While entering your PIN number, use one hand to cover the keypad while you type the number with the other hand. This ensures that no one can see or record your PIN number even if they’re looking
  • Ask anyone inside the ATM to leave before you conduct your transaction. By law, only one person is allowed inside the ATM so ensure that you are the only one inside when you’re conducting a transaction. If they don’t listen, inform the security guard or use another ATM
  • NEVER write down your ATM PIN on your card or on a piece of paper. Always memorize it. And most importantly: Set a PIN number that’s complicated and NEVER use “0000”, “1234”, or simple digits like your date of birth etc. as your ATM PIN since these are easily hackable and guessable.

B. Phone Call Frauds

Some of the most common credit cards/debit card frauds are conducted over the telephone. These scammers take advantage of the gullibility of the people and seek to exhort confidential information out of them that can be used to operate their accounts.

  • Impersonation : Fraudsters often call people on their phone pretending to be RBI or bank officials. These scammers will say that there’s a problem with your account and ask you to “verify” your ATM card and PIN details by stating those on the phone. Once they have these details, it becomes super easy for them to withdraw money from your account
  • Asking for OTP : As mentioned earlier in the article, many scammers can’t use your card these days unless they also have an OTP. Therefore, what these people do is call you pretending to be executives of a bank. They will already know your card number (after stealing it at an ATM) and will recite it to you. Since they have this information, many people think these are genuine bank officials. Once they have your trust, they will ask you to provide the OTP that comes on to your phone and will use that to steal your money.

Mobile fraud prevention

  • Online Banking frauds on the rise : Never ever give any of your online banking information to a stranger on the telephone. All banks and even the RBI have stated many times that they will NEVER ask you for your information on the phone. Therefore, if someone calls you asking you about your card number, PIN, or other personal details, remember that it is a scammer.
  • An OTP is generated only when a transaction is about to be made. Therefore, if you get a message from your bank with an OTP, it means that someone is trying to make a transaction using your card. In such cases, contact your bank or the police immediately. Also, absolutely never give your OTP to any person on the phone no matter who they claim to be.

C. Online fraud or Internet frauds

With increasing use of online payments and apps, scammers have also started using the internet to defraud people. While most online payment gateways have excellent encryption and security, fraudsters now use some common tricks in order to steal people’s credit cards/debit card information

  • Phishing : This scam can happen through email or while using a website. Many times, you’ll get an email which looks like it has come from your bank. The bank logo etc. will be there and the email will look absolutely genuine. In that email, you’ll be told that there’s a problem with your account and you need to register your details again by clicking on a link. When you click on this link, you’ll be redirected to a dummy website where the scammers will get you to give all your personal data (account number, ATM card details, PIN etc.) and proceed to steal your money.

online frauds, precautions, credit cards theft, debit card fraud, phishing

  • Pharming : In this scam, you’ll receive an email which looks like it has been sent by a leading e-commerce website. In that email, you’ll be offered to online shopping an exceptional deal/discount which sounds too good to be true. When you click on the “buy now” button, you’ll be led to a genuine-looking fake website where all your credit/debit card information will get recorded and be stolen
  • Keystroke loggers : Many times, online fraudsters will get you to install a malicious software using email or through a website. What this software does it that it records everything you type on your keyboard. As a result, when you visit your bank’s website, this software will record your username and password (when you type it) and will send that information to the hackers who then proceed to steal your money.

Security Precautions for online transactions

  • Never open an email that looks suspicious. In an email, always check the sender’s email address on the top as online frauds in India on rise. Sometimes the sender’s name might say “Reserve Bank of India” but when you check their email address, it’ll usually be a suspicious looking one.
  •  Remember : The RBI, income tax department and your bank will NEVER ask you for your details online or on the phone. Therefore, if you get an email that claims to be from any of these organizations and asks for your personal data, informs your bank and the police immediate
  • Always use reputed online e-commerce websites only. Sometimes you might see ads online or receive emails which promise some amazing deals and discounts. Don’t fall prey to these because such websites are usually frauds trying to steal your card data.
  • NEVER disclose your net banking password to absolutely anybody. Also never write down this password on a paper (memorize it) and remember to change it regularly. Your password shouldn’t be something simple like your name, date of birth, phone number, or any easily available information.

With these simple precautions, you can easily protect yourself from some of the most common frauds involving debit and credit cards. Electronic transactions are the safest way of giving/receiving money provided some common safeguards are followed.

The government and RBI have also constantly worked towards improving security by introducing measures like mandatory OTP for transactions and chip-based cards. Eventually, it’s our responsibility to keep our personal data protected. Also, speak to people in your neighborhood and inform them about these common frauds. Sometimes, there might be uneducated people who wouldn’t be aware of these techniques used by scammers. Therefore, please help them out by teaching them about these precautions to be followed for preventing credit/debit card fraud.

And share this article with your friends and family using social media. We can easily defeat all these fraudsters by a combination of staying informed and remaining cautious.

Here are the ways for safe Transaction

If you feel that someone is doing cyber crime against you, you can register a Cyber Crime Complaint in police via online process. Today we are going to tell you how to register online Cyber Crime Complaint with ‘Cyber Cell of Police’.

Cyber Cell-

For combating this cyber crime in India the CDIs of different cities have made Cyber Crime Cells. You can register your cyber cell complaint in this cell against cyber crime online.

How to file a cyber crime complaint

Here are Steps to file a Cyber crime complaint

ProcessNow we will discuss the process how to register the cyber cell compliant

Step 1- For Cyber Crime Complaint First of all write an application in the name head of cyber crime cell.

Step 2- Provide the following things with the application



Email address

Telephone no.

Step 3- For required documents, there are two cases.

a) In case of vulgar emails, abusive email etc the following details are required for cyber crime complaint-

  • The header of email which is offending you.
  • The email address of offending sender.

b) In case of Hacking, the following details are required for cyber crime complaint.

  • Logs of the server.
  • A hard copy and soft copy of the defected page.
  • If the data of the defected site is compromised then you will need a soft copy of original data as well as compromised data.
  • Control mechanism details of access in which you have to tell who has accessed the computer.
  • If you have any doubt or your feeling suspicious about anyone then you have to provide the list of these suspicions.

Step 4- You can file the complaint from any cyber cell of any of the cities and also send direct email on below-given email of Cyber Cell Police Station.

Cyber Crime Police Number or Contact Details

Internet Crime Complaint Centre 

Cyber crime cell, Mumbai

Contact Details: +91-22-22626520

Website: http://www.ccw.org.in/

Cyber crime cell Chennai

Contact Details:  044-23452348, 044-23452350

E-mail id: s.balu@nic.in; cybercrimechn@yahoo.com;

Address for Chennai : Assistant Commissioner of Police

Cyber Crime Cell, Commissioner office Campus, Vepery, Chennai- 600007

For Rest of Tamil Nadu, Address: Cyber Crime Cell, CB, CID, Chennai ; 044-25393359; E-mail id: cbcyber@tn.nic.in

Cyber crime police station Bengaluru, Karnataka

Contact Details: +91-80-2220 1026, +91-80-2294 3050, +91-80-2238 7611 (FAX)

Website: http://www.cyberpolicebangalore.nic.in

Email-id: ccps@blr.vsnl.net.in, ccps@kar.nic.in

Address: Cyber Crime Police Station

C.O.D Headquarters, Carlton House, # 1, Palace Road, Bangalore – 560 001

Cyber crime cell, Hyderabad

Address: Crime Investigation Department, 3rd Floor, D.G.P. Office, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad-500004

Contact Details: +91-40-2324 0663, +91-40-2785 2274, +91-40-2329 7474 (Fax)

Website: http://www.cyberabadpolice.gov.in/know-your-police-station/cyber-crimes.html


E-mail id: cp_cyb@cyb.tspolice.gov.in, ci_pcr@cyb.tspolice.gov.in

Cyber crime cell, Delhi

Contact Details: +91-11-24362203, +91-11-24392424

Web site: http://www.cybercelldelhi.in/

Delhi Police : http://www.delhipolice.nic.in/

Address: Supdt. of Police, Cyber Crime Investigation Cell Central Bureau of Investigation, 5th Floor, Block No.3, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 3,

Asst. Commissioner of Police,

Cyber Crime Cell, EOW, Crime Branch, 2nd Floor, Police Training School, Malaviya Nagar, New Delhi-110 017

Cyber crime cell, Mumbai

Contact Details: +91-22-22641261

Website: http://www.ccw.org.in/

Address: Cyber Crime Investigation Cell (Crime Branch, C.I.D), Annex-III Building, Police Commissioner Office, Crowford Market, Mumbai

Thane Address:

3rd Floor, Police Commissioner Office, Near Court Naka, Thane West, Thane-400601.

Contact Details: +91-22-25424444

Web site: http://www.thanepolice.gov.in/

Cyber crime cell, Pune

Mr. SUDHIR HIREMATH (Deputy Commissioner of Police )

Email : dcpcyber.pune@nic.in
Office: 02026124452 / 02026208279
Mobile : 9673009969

Commissioner Office, 2, Sadhu Vaswani Road, Camp, Pune-411001


Email : acpeowcyber.pune@nic.in
Office: 02026208377

Some Other Contact Details: +91-20-26123346, +91-20-2616 5396, +91-20-2612 8105 (Fax)

Website: http://punepolice.co.in/

Cyber crime cell online complaint, Gujarat

DIG, CID, Crime and Railways

Fifth Floor, Police Bhavan, Sector 18, Gandhinagar – 382018

Contact Details: +91-79-2325 4384, +91-79-2325 0798, +91-79-2325 3917 (Fax)

Cyber crime Unit, Jharkhand

IG-CID, Organized Crime, Rajarani Building, Doranda, Ranchi-834002

Contact Details : +91-651-2400 737/ 738

E-mail: a.gupta@jharkhandpolice.gov.in

Cyber crime cell, Haryana

Cyber Crime and Technical Investigation Cell,

Commissioner of Police : 9999981801, 2311200, 2312200

Address : CP Office, Sohna Road Near Rajiv Chowk, Gurugram

website: http://gurgaon.haryanapolice.gov.in/cyber-cell.htm

E-mail: jtcp.ggn@hry.nic.in


Cyber crime cell, Jammu

Address: Cyber Crime Cell, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu. Office of the Supdt. of Police, Operations, Opposite Gandhi Nagar Police Staiton, Jammu-180004, Jammu City, Jammu And Kashmir, India

Website: http://www.jkpolice.gov.in/public-advisories/e-crime-awareness.htm

Contact Details : 0191 243 6709,  +91-191-257-8901

E-mail: sspcrmjmu-jk@nic.in

Cyber Crime Wing, Meghalaya, Shillong

Phone : 0364-2504001  Extn: 718

SCRB, Superintendent of Police, Meghalaya

Phone number: +91 98630 64997

E-mail: scrb-meg@nic.in, shajanpaul52@gmail.com, ccw-meg@gov.in

Cyber crime cell, Bihar

Cyber Crime Investigation Unit, Dy. S.P. Kotwali Police Station, Patna

Phone number: +91 94318 18398

E-mail: cciu-bih@nic.in

Cyber crime cell, Uttar Pradesh

Cyber Complaints Redressal Cell, Nodal Officer Cyber cell Agra,

Agra Range 7, Kutchery Road, Baluganj, Agra-232001, Uttar Pradesh

Phone Number: 919410837559

E-mail: info@cybercellagra.com

Cyber crime cell, Himachal Pradesh

Address : Superintendent of Police (cyber Crime),State CID, Shimla- 171002, Himachal Pradesh

Phone Number : 0177- 2621714 (Ext. 191), 0177- 2627944 (Direct)

Email- cybercell-hp@nic.in; soodbrijesh9@gmail.com

Cyber crime cell, Kerala

Hitech Cell, Police Head Quarters, Thiruvananthapuram

Contact Details : +91-471 272 1547, +91-471 272 2768

E-mail: hitechcell@keralapolice.gov.in

Cyber crime cell, Odisha

Cyber Crime Police Station, CID, Crime Branch, , Cuttack Odisha -753001

Phone number : 0671-2305485

E-mail ID: sp1cidcb.orpol@nic.in

Cyber crime cell, Punjab

Cyber Crime Police Station, DSP Cyber Crime, S.A.S Nagar, Punjab

Phone number : +91 172 2748 100

Cyber crime cell Kolkata, West Bengal

CID, Cyber Crime, West Bengal

Phone number : +9133 24506163

E-Mail: occyber@cidwestbengal.gov.in

Uttara Khand

Special Task Force Office, Sub Inspector of Police, Dehradoon

Phone number : +91 135 2640982, +91 94123 70272

E-Mail: dgc-police-us@nic.in

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